Destiny Missions International was founded by Dave and Mikki Jones in June of 2001. It was born out of a dream they both have of sharing the saving and healing power  of Jesus Christ and the redemptive realities that are ours in Christ. 
They've traveled to many locations in Central and South America with the message of Christ and have had many invitations to other nations. They look forward to expanding their travel boundaries as God leads!

Deep at the heart of this ministry is the reality and truth that God's destiny for our lives is that we be conformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ (Rom 8:29). The desire is for this ministry is to be a vessel that God uses to release His purpose into the lives of people.  Both Dave & Mikki flow in a supernatural ministry of miracles, signs and wonders as they show the reality of God and His desire to touch our lives. An important focus of Destiny Missions International involves going to the nations. God has put it on their hearts to travel to the nations and take the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by means of preaching and in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power  (1Corinthians 2:4-5). Their desire is to embrace as many trips a year as God enables! Dave is an ordained minister through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. Mikki is a licensed minister through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening.

Dave has been involved in many different aspects of ministry for over thirty years. Converted at the end of the Jesus People's Movement in the early 70's, he's been actively preaching and teaching, leading worship, coordinating prayer teams as well as developing small groups and outreach ministries. In January of 2005 Dave stepped away from his role as a staff pastor and, with the blessing and support of their local church has been able to focus on Destiny Missions International full time. Its been a joy for Dave to devote all his time and attention to the things that God has put on his heart (at-risk youth, city church unity, pastoral care to the those unable to be actively involved in a local church, and going to the nations). Because of the radical changes they've experienced in their lives as a result of being part of teams that travel to other nations with the gospel of power, their vision is to also take teams of people with them as they travel so that others can experience that same transformation. 

Mikki has been involved with youth for about 15 years and also has had opportunities to minister to and mentor women in all seasons of their lives in the things of God. She's involved with a Bible study ministry with women in jail and is seeing great fruit come from it. She also has a passion to minister to and be an encouragement to teenage unwed mothers-to-be.

Dave and Mikki's heart is to see the lost saved and experiencing God's healing power, and for those who already know the Lord to be equipped and released into fruitful ministry and divine purpose. They have a great passion to see young people equipped and released to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to minister in the supernatural.