The latest report click on the link at the bottom of this page!
Since December 05:    25 Decisions for Christ
                                     5 Water Baptisms
                                     Many Physical Healings

After having gone into the local jail for almost a year together, here is the first of many “Jail Reports” about the connecting with the women prisoners in Walla Walla. We look forward to bringing you regular testimonies and updates on the goings on of this area of ministry as it continues to grow and thrive. Thank you for your prayers and support that make all of this a possibility!

It is with great joy that Mikki and another gal, Susy Benefiel, visit the women in the county jail each Monday evening. Taking in Bibles and inspirational hand-outs, they are welcomed with much enthusiasm and open hearts to hear the truth of God's unconditional love for them. Mikki & Susy have found favor with the guards who have given them much freedom as each week they visit the three different pods of women, averaging a total of 12. Since December of 2005, there have been 25 decisions to trust Christ. Five of them initiated a request to be baptized which Mikki did (cup of water poured over their heads in the shower, in case you were wondering). What a thrill to witness a perceptible change in them immediately! Some have been lead through deliverances from spirits of anger, rage, addiction, unforgiveness, fear and depression, while others have experienced physical healing after being prayed over. One gal who had been a practicing Wiccan for 12 years, has now apparently turned from that belief and is reading her Bible, asking God to show her what it means. She hasn't made a decision for Christ yet, but appears to be getting closer to the Kingdom every week. Mikki and Susy are blessed to see friendships formed in Christ among the women and delight to hear how they encourage and pray for and with each other during the week. They see lives change as they read their Bibles and connect with God in what Mikki calls “their own personal retreat with God.” Susy tries to write each one every week to give a mid-week encouragement, birthday cards and more inspiring words of God. How they love to receive mail--just like you and I do! Some of them actually write back which increases our joy all the more.

Many of these women walk out of prison as different persons with new hearts, new direction, new hope, and confidence in a God who delivers, loves, forgives, empowers, guides, and hears them. Many are returning home to discouraging situations with much temptation surrounding them. Our desire is to have a way to network them with healthy Christian women and churches to assist them in their new journeys. At this point we have had little progress there. We would love to see a pen-pal ministry begin so that they might already be connected with a grace-oriented Christian when released. We ask for your prayers, input and participation as these dear, new sisters leave the safe “nest” of the jail. If you would like to write to any of these ladies, please reply to this e-mail and Mikki would be thrilled to give you a name and some information on your new pen pal!

If you would like to partner with us financially as we continue to minister in the jail, there is a wonderful opportunity available! We take in Bibles on a weekly basis, purchase supplies (backpacks, clothing, toiletries, etc.) to give to the ladies when they are released, and we go through lots of lovely stationary (on which inspirational verses, stories and testimonies are printed). The ladies love to receive the special handouts which they decorate their cells with and also pass on to their family and friends, sharing the love of God with them as they continue in their new life. Again, thank you for holding up Susy, Mikki and these new believers in your prayers! God is so good!

Until next time!
Love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Mikki Jones & Susy Benefiel