
We arrived in Lima at 12:30 in the morning of the 7th of October. We had a 6 hour layover to wait for our next flight to Chiclayo. I had been communicating back and forth with Hugo for several months with the help of a young lady named Isabel (who lives in Lima). She has been such a blessing to us in translating messages received from others and in translating the messages we have sent to others. She met us at the airport as we arrived and we had a wonderful visit with her and a young pastor who was on his way to Venezuela. She has been such a blessing to us! A gift from God!






     Isabel                                                                                                               Pastor Victor Manuel


We arrived in Chiclayo at about 8am on Saturday the 7th of October. We were very tired as we had missed a nights sleep on this trip. Gladys Enlow and Willy Saldana picked us up from the airport and got us quickly settled in our hotel. It was very good to see Willy again and I had not seen Gladys since my trip to Peru in 2002 with Fresh Fire Ministries. Gladys turned out to be an incredible asset to us as we traveled from church to church and city to city. She was Mikki's main interpreter and it was such a privilege to have her with us. She and her husband came to Peru in 1957 as missionaries and they raised their 8 children in various places in Peru. Many people in the nation refer to her as mother because she became the spiritual "Mother" of so many people through the years. Here we are below sitting down to our first meal in Chiclayo with Gladys.






Our first meeting was an open air evangelistic meeting on Saturday night. We took a few minutes to look at the church's facilities and to pray for the pastor and his wife below.






Javier, my interpreter

The evangelistic meeting was fun and there were 5 people saved and about 50 healings that took place. It was such a joy to be preaching in Peru again and to sense God's heart for the nation.















The next morning (Sunday morning) we went to minister in a service where 2 churches were gathering together. It was a wonderful time as many young people sang and did dramas. We thoroghly enjoyed being part of the gathering. I shared about the "righteouness" we have through Jesus Christ and started giving words of knowledge. We saw God heal person after person. It didn't seem to matter what the problem was, He would heal them. It was so exciting to see God moving with such power in our midst!














































The following evening (Monday night) we ministered in another church in the city of Chiclayo. The praise and worship was powerful at this church and we really enjoyed the presence of God there. I sensed such joy in the heavenlies as we sang His praises. God moved powerfully in this service and did many, many wonderful miracles of healing.  









































The next day we hopped on the internet to let our intercessors know what was happening and then went to the home of a very special family to have lunch. Then we had the privilege of praying for God to baptize the family in the Holy Spirit. It was a glorious time with many prophetic words for the parents and children.























Then we went to visit a woman's store downtown and to pray for God's blessing over the business and her personal life.

















In the evening (Tuesday) we ministered in the church of the pastor who had the open air evangelistic meeting the first night we were in Chiclayo. We really felt like God made an excellent connection between us and this pastor. While we were there, he committed his church to pray for us and the remainder of our travels in Peru and to pray for us continually, no matter where we were in the world. What a blessing!






































At the close of this service 3 sisters begged us to come and pray for their brother who was dying of AIDS. They had seen the many miracles that God had done that night and pleaded with us to go and pray for their brother. At first, we were trying to figure out a way to call him on the phone (as God had been doing many  miracles over the phone). Then we ended up piling up in a van to go and pray for him.







He was not even able to talk or walk when we arrived. Shortly after we prayed for him he stood to his feet and started shouting praises to God. Below, we had the opportunity to pray for his father next (who was in his pajamas) and God healed his legs.








The next morning we gathered for our final meal in Chiclayo. We would soon be on a bus to Pacasmayo.







The bus ride lasted 1 1/2 hours.


















When we arrived in Pacasmayo, we settled in a hostal for one night. We had a meal with the pastor and proceeded to our evening service in a small town outside of Pacasmayo called Hornito (Hornet in Spanish).






















































































The gentleman below had a tremendous testimony of how God had intervened in His life. He had been a Christian about 2 months. God had healed of many things and some more during the evening meeting. He invited us to breakfast at his home the next morning and God did a real healing of relationships with he and his wife, his mother-in-law and his children. It was awesome to be there while God was doing it.







In the morning we minstered in the same church for a couple hours and God continued to heal many people both physically & emotionally. We have never seen so many tumors dissolve instantly as we did on this trip.



















After the service it was time to catch our final bus ride to the city of Trujillo. 



So far on this trip we have seen backs, necks, shoulders, stomachs, legs, knees, feet, fingers, heads, elbows, ribs, and thighs healed. We have seen ears open, eyes healed and tumors dissolve. Truly, the name of Jesus is above all names.



Sharing the Good News - Equipping the Saints - Strengthening Pastors